ކުއްލި ހަބަރު
ފުރަތަމަ ސަފުހާ / އަރުޝީފުގައި ފާހަގަ ޖަހާ: މާރުކޭޓު

އަރުޝީފުގައި ފާހަގަ ޖަހާ: މާރުކޭޓު

Dhanbidhoo Fish Market Handover Ceremony Speech

Speech on behalf of the UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Patrice Coeur-Bizot   HE SAID: “On behalf of the UNDP and its partners, I hope this fish market will make a significant difference to improving the lives of the people of Dhanbidhoo, especially the fisherman and fish processors.”   Her Excellency …

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