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އަރުޝީފުގައި ފާހަގަ ޖަހާ: english

False Divinity

by Madulu Waheed from Malas 29, 1 June 1990 National Centre for Linguistic and Historical Research Something crawled across his leg and he woke with a start. By then, the rat was climbing the wall and the first cock crowed lazily in the distance. They’ll be on their way to …

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Silent Night

When they installed the ultra-high-power microwave link that connected their atoll with the rest of the country, the people of the atoll celebrated. Dignitaries from neighboring islands came over with good wishes and token gifts.  Island competed with island to see who could come up with the best community feast …

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Dhivehi Websites

A collection of websites that are owned and run by maldivians. All of them are not fully Dhivehi. Some have a separate section for dhivehi articles while others are fully english. There are a bunch of Dhivehi website lists out there already. But it’s very handy when this is accessible …

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Another Bangladeshi arrested on child molestation charges

Haveeru Daily May 28, 2008 – 12:00 A Bangladeshi man accused of sexually assaulting a young girl in Laamu atoll Dhanbidhoo has been arrested. A Police official said that they had arrested the Bangladeshi man last Sunday for sexual assault, under orders from the Dhanbidhoo Island Office. Mohamed Arif, the …

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Dhanbidhoo Fish Market Handover Ceremony Speech

Speech on behalf of the UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Patrice Coeur-Bizot   HE SAID: “On behalf of the UNDP and its partners, I hope this fish market will make a significant difference to improving the lives of the people of Dhanbidhoo, especially the fisherman and fish processors.”   Her Excellency …

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The Jihad in Paradise

Guest Writer: Praveen Swami Deputy Editor and Chief of Bureau, Frontline, New Delhi “Congratulations,” said the voice on the crackling phone line from Lahore, “your sons have become martyrs for the faith in Kashmir.” Ever since that January 27, 2007, call, the families of teenagers Mohammed Faseehu, from the Laam …

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